Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Along with the general cleaning out of the house and getting it under control is the need to finish some projects. The first one that I did was the T-shirt pillows for Joanna and Abigail. I had done this same project with the older 2 kids and knew that I needed to finish the cycle! I had saved their all-time favorite t-shirt (you know, the one that they would wear everyday if I would have let them!) with the intention of getting this pillow done for them. Well, the shirts have been waiting for at least 2 years now! Last week I got the pillow form from Wal-Mart and got the shirts out. This was truly a super-easy sew project....I just sewed the armholes and the neck hole shut, put the form in the shirt, and then sewed the bottom shut. Took me all of 20 minutes to do! I didn't even get it "perfect" but it is done! I tucked the pillows in the girls hampers with their clean clothes pile (Saturday is laundry day) and when they found them there was SO much excitement and joy!

The next project to work on is cleaning out the magazine pile. I'm an avid fan of magazines but the pile is getting LARGE. I am working on going through them and tearing out pages that I want to keep and then putting the magazine in the recycle (I have a shoe box that is just the right size to put them in). I am planning on taking the recipes and putting them in page protector sheets and then storing them in a 3-ring binder in the kichen. The rest of them will go in some files that I had started years ago. These files are catagories like "craft ideas", "bedroom", etc.


Sonja said...

I've been doing that, too, with the magazines. I like your idea of the three-ring binder in the kitchen (much more logical than my way!!). I was going through my old files and taking out ideas that I don't like anymore.

Sonja said...

PS - did you change your blog layout?

Mary said...

Hey Sonja....yeah,changed the layout but it's just one the form options that they had. It's fun just to change things once in awhile :-)