Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mom's watch

After cleaning out my "junk" drawer in my dresser I had came across a watch that my mom had worn. It's not a valuable watch but nice looking. Well, after not wearing a watch for years I decided that I would wear this one. All my other watches needed batteries (after so many years of non-use!!) and this one was not running either. So, today was the day to take it in and get it running. At lunchtime I went to our local mall where the only jewelry store in town is located and asked for a new battery. The nice lady said she could do that. Off she went to the back room and then came back out and said that it didn't need a battery that it was a watch that just needed winding. COOL! We gave it a quick wind and it is running like a champ. It's nice to wear this little something that reminds me of my mom. She loved to wear a watch and when the Alzheimer started to progress, she would occasionally wear 2!!! Interesting.


Sonja said...

very cool! I remember my mom whenever we get cookies out of the cookie jar. :) ((hugs))

Mary said...

My mom loved to make cookies but we never had "a cookie jar". It's nice to have those small reminders of a loved one!