Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Activity Bags

Just keep thinking about our Christian Education Dept. at church. I'm thinking that perhaps I need to be part of the committee that helps with all of it. This would give me input in what's happening and maybe help with the creative end of things. The other area of children's ministry that has been neglected is the activity books that are available in the lobby for kids. The gal that had been keeping track of that doesn't come to church anymore (or VERY infrequently). I've been thinking on this one for awhile on ways to improve and freshen the area up. I had seen at a church we had visited some activity bags for kids that had a box of crayons, stencils, stickers, a small clipboard with paper, and an activity sheet. I'm thinking that I could do that. Started working on general clean-up of the boxes yesterday and found a shelf/rack that I could house the bags on to keep the area neat. Just need to find the activity pages to use and then assemble the bags. I'm excited about this project!!!

The weather has been incredibly nice here. Yesterday it was in the upper 60's and today it is going to be in the 70's!!! Spent some time raking the yard out yesterday and doing just a little bit of cleaning in the flower beds. Looking forward to digging around some more this week!!!

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