Monday, February 1, 2010

New Bible Study

There have been several ideas converging on me at once. Let me explain. Our church is embarking on a "30 Days to Live" event. The idea is to think of what you are living now and how would you live differently if you only had 30 days to live. Then.....on a blog that I like to read they have a month long challenge to either get up extra early everyday to pray for your family OR to fast one meal a week to pray for family. THEN I started seeing references to binding scriptures to you to keep the LORD in the forefront.

This has really gotten me thinking about life. One of the first steps that I am taking is having a "mother's ring" made so that I have a visual reminder to pray for my kids! They NEED me to pray for them! I am hoping to add a fasting meal each week as well (shouldn't be too hard....I am definitely NOT starving!). The other thing that I/we want to do is take the family to the ocean! We love the ocean and husband & I have been wanting to take a trip out west again. The kids are old enough now to make that happen. So the planning has begun!!!

I am hoping that this month-long study will reveal other areas of life that need GOD's light to shine!


Vickie said...

Ahhh, out west! I really miss the west!

Mary said...

We do too!!! I think that we will eventually end up there again but for now we are trying to hang steady for the kids. Maybe we will change our minds after we go there :-)