Friday, February 6, 2009


You know that you have married a great person when they are willing to go clean up puke in the middle of the night!! Rock On to my man!! He really is amazing....working on a full-time master's program, full-time campus ministry and full time dad/husband. He make the best food (although the less mature taste-buds in our house haven't caught on yet :-) !). He has a great sense of music and creativity....What a wonderful gift he has been (through thick and thin and all the other stuff that makes up a marriage vow)!

Lately I've been helping out (when I can) at a friends house. Their family is working on going out as missionaries to Belize. They have 4 kids about the same ages as ours....I can't imagine the logistics of the whole process! Anyway, they have been living in a extreme fixer-upper house and have been worried about selling/renting it. So, a group from our denomination has come forward to provide $$ and man-power to provide our own "extreme home makeover". It has been amazing to see so many come and help...incredible! Can't wait till they see it (they have been out raising support for their work and are expected home on Valentine's Day). I hope they feel the love that has been poured out to them.

To all who read my posts....make sure to share the love of Christ to all!!


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