Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Paying attention

Had a quick stressful conversation with the husband regarding last night's "Proxy station" prayer vigil regarding modern day slavery.  He commented that the men that took up the station with chained hands and ducktape over their mouths as a representative for those that can't speak as a modern day slave, were harrassed by the black people of the campus.  There was signage right by the white student "proxy" but the black students took offense because they were the ones with slavery in their history.  However, if the black students would have just read the sign and literature provided then they would have grasped what was going on!

Then our son chimed in about serving food at a food service company and young adults would ask "what's on the special" even though there was a sign right in front of them with a description.

What is with our modern coulture?  Are we raising a generation who are unable to capture the details of life?  Are they too distracted/busy to pay attention?  I read a comment regarding today's student body (at colleges) that a professor said.  He said the biggest problem today with students is that they are distracted and addicted.  There is just so much going on with technology that kids are barely staying on task.  AND then they are also struggling with addictions (such as overeating, video games, youtube, drinking, porn....etc).

It's time for us parents to step in a help our kids (as well as others in our sphere of influence) to learn how to pay attention and notice LIFE.  It is certainly a discipline that needs to be taught.

just some thoughts on my mind.....

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