Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Husband's direct supervisor/boss got fired about a week and a half ago. This was very unexpected (but a possibly a blessing because the boss liked to micro-manage a lot). Yesterday husband had a meeting with his new supervisor (probably temporary...but may be a while before a true replacement) and straightened out vacation, professional leave (for his on-site master classes....2 weeks fall and spring) and his general schedule lay out. The new boss basically said that he has confidence that husband can set his own schedule and that vacation means just that....VACATION! So, starting yesterday afternoon he started vacation for a week. YEAH!!! This has helped my schedule tremendously now that I'm in the crunch time before our big annual sessions (I do all planning and registration work). He will basically be "Mr. Mom" for the next week. I will be asking my boss about reducing my number of hours per week by about 10 hours so that I have more time to keep on top of the home life. Hopefully all will smooth out this coming year.

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