Monday, July 13, 2009

Staying above Stagnant Water

Yesterday was our church's business meeting (which are usually pretty dry). One of the subjects was the proposal to install a motorized window covering over the middle stain glass window (that faces west). One of the main reason for this is that any evening event has to deal with the problem of blinding light that comes in that window. You simple cannot sit in the middle section and not be uncomfortable with the amount of light. this has been a problem for years and sometime in the past they use to have shades for those windows that had been removed but the old brackets are there.

Well, the older generation (those 70 and older) just had a fit! They are concerned that the sanctuary will become like a public auditorium or will be less "worshipful". Or that the stain glass is what inspires worship. Our pastor had originally started the conversation several months ago about installing a projector system that would also have the screen placed over that window (there are two other windows that flank the center one....but those will be left alone) with the dual purpose of projection and covering in the evening. this concept was trashed because of the expense. However, the trustees want a covering system that will be minimally obtrusive. Those older generation folks just keep talking about that the curtain/shade will lead to the projection system. Something they don't want. There were comments made that if the youth like the media systems then maybe those items could be installed in the youth room or the in the fellowship but that we should not change the sanctuary because it is a place of connecting with God.

Then, there was also some statements made that there are a number of families that have stopped attending church and that offerings are low and the budget tight.

I think that there is connection between the two. The older generation likes to see the youth there but they don't want to embrace them. The person that did the presentation and his wife are very spirit filled individuals and are in the 70's. They both were very sad that this body doesn't want to change to reach out to youth. They are both very active in the church and are willing to help anywhere needed. The wife sat beside me and said that the issue is pretty much dead in the water. She was sad about it.

I was glad that Spencer wasn't there....he would have had a fit (although it might have been good for them to hear his passion). When I told him of the conversation his comment is that this church is going to end up a museum....a statement of the past but with no real impact on the future. I think that we are going to do some visiting of other churches that are in our denomination that are vibrant and see how they handle their generation connectedness. Of the 35 churches in our state....there are only about 6 that are truly growing. The rest are stagenant and dying. Another alarming point was that our summer youth camp attendance was noticably lower this year....because there is really not a lot of youth in the denomination. Those churches with growing youth numbers are deciding that missions trips are a better use of their summer youth emphasis. Interesting!

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