Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Body Betrayal

I feel like my body is starting to betray me!!! I'm not even going to the realm of the weight with this post (be happy!). It all started last year (and probably before that with some minor injuries from poor body mechanics). I got excited to begin digging up and cleaning our landscaping. "Shouldn't be a problem" I said to myself. HA!! I ended up with some carpel tunnel syndrome issues with hands tingling and falling asleep during the night. This is absolutely miserable! Well, after backing off of some of the more labor intensive digging work and having our son do all the mowing (have to pay for that!) I started to feel better. Then, there began the pains in the shoulders from painting and home repairs. This became discouraging....what was going on with my body?! After some work from the chiropractor and some weight lifting to strengthen my back and shoulders, I am making some headway on that.

Well, yesterday was the day to start mowing the yard. It was getting pretty lengthy and it was the first run of the mower for the year, so I thought I would mow it and have the kids make supper. By the time I was done, my wrists were in agony again!!!! MAN!!! So back to pampering them....and having son do the work (which is OK....he needs jobs to do).

I miss the days of just doing whatever....and there is no reminders from my body of my age!

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