Thursday, September 2, 2010


Kids have started school....husband is on break and will start back with his final 2 semesters of the master's work....his work is back in full swing and he is excited about the new year. As for me, I am trying restore some order to the house, trying to finish up some projects, and praying like crazy! I wish that fall would truly kick in and it would be pleasant to be outside and work. The bugs have been just aweful because of the crazy wet weather this summer! I'm gearing up for putting in a couple of windows on the backside of the house (where no one will see it) but I'm waiting for the weather to be pleasant for a couple of days in a row!!
As for the praying, I'm praying for husband to finish well with the master's course. I'm praying for our oldest as he pursues starting an after-school FCA chapter. It is incredible to see him really take off in his faith! I'm praying for Lydia as she navigates hormone challenges, starting high school, and working out her faith! She really needs a girlfriend who is also a christian to walk together through life journeys. I pray also for her friend that goes to our church. She is not I've been praying for God's revelation in her life. She's a neat kid that is incredibly creative! Praying for Abigail that she holds steady as we reduce her medicines. She is doing great and is liking school (so far). And then, praying for Joanna that she continues to grow in the Lord and that she has some self-control when it comes to scratching bug bites (and then picking at the scabs!). I've been seeing some answered prayers (big ones) that has me energized to keep on going.

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