Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Daily Grind

The last couple of days have felt like I'm trudging through a marsh. I've come through a period of really growing in Christ....getting inspired to pray more and read the Bible more thoughtfully. This part is good! I just read a verse in psalm 119 that talked about the "unfolding" of God's word. That is such a cool thought. How often do we read a scripture and nothing sparks and then suddenly the words "unfold" and a new dimension of Christ comes to light. I LOVE that.

However, the daily grind of living gets to me. I would really like to do something more exciting. An adventure! Most days is like, however, is like moving in slow-motion. Same thing...day in...day out. Husband and I are always dreaming of something different. I think that when he is done with his master's work next spring that if nothing opens up in his job (teaching...pay raise, etc) that we may start to look around more seriously. Perhaps taking campus ministry to a different level....or working with a group like InterVarsity that might include some travel.

Anyway...gotta get back to the job.

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