Friday, May 28, 2010


Coming up on memorial day brings out lots of memories of those I've loved that have passed on. Mostly thinking about how they have affected my life. This, of course, makes me think about how I'm affecting other peoples lives. It is such a challenging season of life right now. I never could imagine how full our schedules could be. Most days I just struggle to get my Bible reading in (gotta do it first thing in the morning or it just doesn't happen), work (which is mostly boring but we need the income), taking care of the home/kids/husband, and possible an outside activity with friends (few and far between). I think to myself...."how did my mom do it?"....or "how are others handling it?" I think that I have to really focus in on the true priorities. God first, husband/family, work, then everything else. I have been working on my speech/verbage and making sure that my language truly reflects this priority list. Anyway....I hope that my life will be a reflection of the greater work that God did in me. I also need to keep remembering that this season will eventually slow down and for now...I need to keep focused on the family because they are my mission field right now.

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