Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Garden Clean-up

Been so very busy working on my yard. This is truly the best time of year to get out there (before the bugs!). Got some nice hostas from a friend and divided them up into 8 nice clumps and dispersed them among the borders of the yard. Also went through an overgrown area that had iris plants in it (it was overgrown with grass) and dug those out and moved them to a sunnier spot (hopefully they will do better there). I them put in several of the hostas there and will get some more from a different friend (some of the big leaf ones) to put in the back of that area. It should look much better when done. Got some mulch (6 bags) and got started filling in with that. I need LOTS more but the areas that were done look so much better and will need much less watering :-).

As for the continuing saga of cleaning out the house and working on the storage areas....I worked over the closet in our back entryway. It was a mess!!! I pulled everything out and took out the homemade closet rod with a peg-board shelf (someone was definitely using scraps of stuff the make that). I then put up a rail/shelf thing that I got at Menards. Super easy to install. Just put the rail bar at the top and then the standards hook on that. From there I put in 4 shelves and a coat rod (much lower than before). On the shelves I put the mitten boxes (every family member has their own small box with a lid), the winter boots and shoe cleaning kit. The snow pants went in a extra-large zip-lock storage bag and then put way in the back corner! It was SO much nicer when done. The closet bar needs to be attached in a different way but I will deal with that later this summer.

School is almost done and we are working on the summer plans. It is looking busy (which is good).

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